in cinema and audiovisual industry

Collecting data


Quantitative data on the industry and qualitative studies on gender and diversity representations

Raising Awareness

Establishment and promotion of pledges for gender parity, diversity, and inclusion in the film and audiovisual industry



Development of the 50/50 bible, our inclusive directory, and mentorship program

Action & Prevention

Fighting sexual and gender-based violence

Key figures

0 %

of films selected at Cannes since the festival’s creation are directed by women

0 %

of characters perceived as non-white on screen in 2019

0 %

of active directors in the last 10 years, are women

50/50 Film Club

Screenings and discussions highlighting female directors with the aim of promoting today’s female creators and combating the invisibility of the female heritage by presenting recently

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2023 conference for parity, equality, and diversity

Relive the 5th edition of the Conference for Gender Parity, Equality, and Diversity in Cinema and Audiovisual Media, organized by Collectif 50/50 on December 11th at the institut du Monde Arabe.

Agir avec nous

To engage in the fight for inclusion surround yourself with a network of professionals participate in the association's initiatives stay informed ahead of time support the new direction of the Collective

Membership fees received by the Collective directly fund its activities (mentoring, studies, inclusive directory, etc.). We organize events that bring members together with the idea of creating a virtuous circle to foster collaborative ideas and projects: workshops, debates, etc.

By joining, you will receive firsthand news about our actions: latest developments, ongoing projects, new initiatives, and tools initiated by all sectors of the industry…



members in 2024

Luttons ensemble

Have you witnessed and/or been a victim sexist and sexual violence ?

Vous êtes témoin et/ou victime de violences sexistes et sexuelles ?

Collectif 50/50 currently brings together more than 1,500 professionals from the French creative, film and audiovisual industries. Structured as an action tank, 50/50 is firmly committed to reflect upon and fight for equality, parity and diversity in the film and audiovisual industry.
The Collectif draws up studies, develops actions, creates tools and offers incentives to public authorities and the various actors of the sector in order to accelerate and implement change.

Join the Collectif 50/50!

Our partners